Spelling and work with texts

Circle all the words that are spelled correctly.

Fill in the missing letter to complete the word.

Give your students answer keys to let them correct their work themselves.

Worksheets: Work with texts: (1) Write a paragraph about TEXT using the words from the word box below. (10 orš)

(2) Write the italicized words in the corresponding columns below. (eitt atkvęši, tvö atkvęši, žrjś atkvęši, fjögur atkvęši)

(3) Write a haiku about TEXT. Many haikus have three lines with the first and third lines having five syllables and the second line having seven syllables.

Gott rįš: “I use this to practice spelling. I have the students get in a circle. I say a word, e.g. “pie“. The first person I pick says the word. The next 3 people spell it. The 4th person adds a word to make a two-word phrase that incorporates the original word, e.g. “apple pie“. The 5th person starts with a new word. If a student misspells the word, he or she has to sit down.“

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